I really believe the art of great gifting is a glorious talent but it is definitely not my strong point! I struggle to think of gifts that are personal and thoughtful. It also seems to make no difference how well I know the recipient; I inevitably come up against a wall of blank inspiration. I am too easily swayed by the monetary value of a gift, thinking if I just spend enough it its bound to look good and be something that they like. I do enjoy giving gifts so I am not sure why I over think what should be a happy and rewarding task? So as expected I am braking into a sweat as the dreaded Christmas shopping begins in earnest!

I went to Hestercombe Christmas market last weekend. I love craft fairs. As well as the joy I get from browsing and buying the various handmade gifts, I also find an inner joy from seeing what may have started as a hobby, develop into a new career - someone following their dreams. I too decided to change my career. I wanted to a different pace of life and to do something that continued to nurture others, as well as myself. You only get one shot at life. I know with every present I buy, I'm helping someone to follow their dreams.

One of my favourite gift ideas and something that I love to receive is a decoration for the Christmas tree. A talented friend of mine knits me a bauble for the Christmas tree every year. This year I even got to select the pattern! Each year when I decorate the tree I think of her as I place it on a branch. I love the link to her that this little knitted bauble gives. If like me you don’t possess such creative talents, then tapping into local artisans is a good way forward. So this year I have bought some tree decorations from a local blacksmiths. I feel I am supporting a local business (albeit in a very small way!) and I like to hope that when the recipients hang it on their Christmas tree they will think of me!
I wish you all well with your Christmas shopping and hope that you do possess the talent of gifting!
